Thursday, June 10, 2010

Last Sunday of may my church had a mission's program; it was a very good time of being focused i the mission work. We had some presentations about missions, particularly of two missionaries that I know. One of them is working in India and the other in north Africa. I also gave the presentation of my final report that I had given at Abingdon Bible Church(of course it was translated into Spanish). The children had a special lesson, with puppets, about missions. In the meeting at night we watched a mission-based movie and we prayed for the expantion of the gospel around the world.

I received some very good comments and wishes, from some broathers and sisters in Christ, about how they would like to know more of the mission work in the world. There was also some encouragement for me to continue taking steps toward the calling God has for me to go to India as well as some advice in doing this.

The Americans missionaries from our church did a good job helping in the program by preparing and giving the children's lesson along with the pastor as well as in doing the decorations with flags, pictures, etc.

I want to say thanks so much to people like you who were praying for this program. I want to request that you continue praying for the next program like this that we will have on August 29.

I also want to share with you a small testimony about an answer to prayer that happened this Sunday. I was praying about whether or not I should go to a short (two weeks) missionary training workshop in Paraguay this July. It's very costly, so I prayed and told God, "if you want me to go or not just let me know and I'll be fine. I only want to know your will about it, if you say go, I'll go( and trust in your provision); but if you say don't go, I won't go". This Sunday when we were watching the missionary movie about William Carey going to India, he says " Expect big things from God, but try big things for God". When I listened for two times to this phrase in the movie, God put a conviction in my heart that it was his answer to my specific prayer about this. So, I want to praise God because he always answer our prayers according to His will. This will be another step of faith that I can do for God. I also want to let you to know that in this training I'll have the opportunity to meet the director of a mission's agency who is working in India. Some time ago he invited me to apply to his agency and go with them to India, so I hope to talk to him about this while I'm there.

God bless you all, and thank you so much for your prayers and encouragement.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Dear friends,
I want to share with you some news that happend lately. I'm enjoying my nephew who was born a few weeks ago. He is a nice boy and is growing fast, like an asparagus :), as babies do. He has no name yet. I want to name him Benjamin Aaron or Cristian Aaron, but my brother and sister-in-law are figuring out if it is okay :).

Another thing, concerning my family, I don't remember if I told you that my sister Carmen had knee surgery on both of her knees a few month ago. Now she is doing well and walking by herself after a few months of staying in bed.
On May first, Labor Day, we all had the day off. Our church went on a retreat to have a good time of bible teaching, praying, and fellowship. During the recreational time, we played football, volleyball and frisbee(It reminded me of my time in the States, when I used to play with my friends).

On May 30, our church will have a mission program during the sunday school hour and again in the service at night. We will have the worship time with mission songs, show short mission documentaries about the mission work in India and north Africa, watch a short mission's movie, a children's mission focused lesson, and I'll show the power point presentation that I presented at Abingdon Bible Church as my final report in the Internship program at ABC. I'm in charge of this program, so please pray that God guides and helps us to do everything in prayer and uses this program to encourage the church to continue with the mission work in the world.

I also want to let you to know, that yesterday I started going to an orphanage to read a mission's story with the children and teens from this orphanage, which they really liked and paid good attention. I'll be going once each week. In a later post I'll include some pictures of this.

That's all for now, thank you for your prayers, encouragement and for taking your time to check on my blog.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Dear Friends,

Finally, I can work on updating my blog. Now, I have a better internet connection and I am also learning how to use my blog tools.

Currently, I am involved in the ministry in my church, serving in different areas. I am also working part-time in the office of our church association.

My church is trying to have a regular missionary program in order to help the church to be permanently involved in missions and for now I am in charge of this. We are going to have some short programs during Sunday school in order to pray for different countries. We will talk about the needs of each country, share information about the missionaries there and pray for them, etc. Every fifth Sunday will be dedicated as a missionary Sunday with a special mission's program in the morning and at night.

I keep practicing English. Now I am reading the History of North American People which is a very nice...and heavy : ) book that the Cook's gave me. I am also still reading Repentance, a book by Mr. Richard Owen Robert. Laura Boyce helps me with some tutoring and I have opportunities to speak English with the North American missionaries here.

Please pray...
- for my ministry in my church, that I can serve God through His anointing and not by my strength.
- for my part-time work, that I complete everything in my charge the best that I can.
- that I can make good use of the short time that I am here in Bolivia, sharing my calling with other churches in order that they can be partners in this work which God has for me.
- for every step that I need to take while I'm here and through the next year of preparing to leave my country, the beautiful Bolivia. : )
- for the necessary financial and prayer support that I'll need as an overseas missionary.
- that I can find a mission agency or a mission's team with whom I can work on the mission field.
- for my frequent health problems.

I want to share some pictures from my trip to Cordoba-Argentina the past January.

Monday, October 19, 2009

First blog entry!!!

I'm learning how to blog from my friend in America and taking my English class on the computer today. I need to learn how missionaries conmunicate in this day and age. This is a big task for me because I'm not a man who knows how to work with computer programs, but I think it's a good start, don't you?

I hope I can keep updating this blog regularly and don't make my readers get upset, especially my friends who are helping me blog. In almost two months I'm going back to Bolivia, so I'm keeping busy in my last opportunity to learn better English and other stuff like how to blog : ) . I'm really glad for my time here.

I'll keep updating my blog, and thank you for reading it.
May God bless you all.